Most Common Work-Related Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Stay Safe While Working With These Tips

Working in a office all day long can be dangerous, especially if you are not taking the proper precautions to avoid injury. This Occupational Health Clinic can help you avoid these injuries:

Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI): RSIs are caused by repeating the same movements over and over again, such as typing or using a mouse for prolonged periods of time. To help avoid these types of injuries, it is important to practice good posture while sitting at your desk, take regular breaks throughout the day and use ergonomic office tools when possible.

Slips, Trips, and Falls: Slips, trips and falls can occur in any environment but they tend to be more frequent in an office setting due to cords and cables on the floor. It is important to keep walkways clear of messes and clutter and ensure that all cords are tucked away so that you don’t trip over them.

Back Injuries: Poor posture and heavy lifting can lead to back injuries, especially if you are not using the proper form or technique when lifting. Make sure to practice good posture and lift with your knees when carrying heavy objects, as this will help reduce the risk of injury.

Occupational Health Clinic

Eye Strain: Prolonged exposure to screens such as computers, tablets, and phones can cause eye strain which leads to headaches, neck pain and blurred vision. To avoid these types of issues it is important to take regular breaks throughout your workday and remember the 20-20-20 rule—every 20 minutes look away from your screen for at least 20 seconds and focus on something that is at least 20 feet away.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: This is another common office-related injury caused by poor posture, repetitive motions and too much pressure on the median nerve of your wrist. To avoid this type of issue, it is important to practice proper ergonomics while using a computer mouse or keyboard, take regular breaks throughout the day and consider using an ergonomic wrist support if needed.

Shoulder Injury: Poor posture can cause shoulder issues such as rotator cuff injuries which can be painful and limit range of motion in your arm. To help avoid these types of injuries, make sure to keep your shoulders relaxed while working at your desk and practice good posture habits—sitting upright with your chin parallel to the ground.

Neck Pain: Neck pain is usually caused by poor posture while sitting at your desk or staring down at your computer for extended periods of time. To help avoid this, take regular breaks throughout the day, practice good posture and consider using a lumbar support cushion if needed.

Stress Injuries: Prolonged stress can lead to physical injury such as headaches, sleeplessness, and fatigue. To reduce stress levels in the office it is important to take regular breaks throughout the day and make sure you are taking care of yourself with exercise, proper nutrition and enough rest.